Who we are

Why choose LVV?

At LVV we care about teaching dynamically and effectively. We use methods that evaluate your knowledge and if you want, tests that determine your level of Spanish. 

Our classes are based on a communicative methodology that seeks to train you with control of the language in both formal and informal settings. We do not simply rely on the use of books and exercises; the personal contribution of a native teacher is a very important factor since for real use of the language you must learn about our culture and our history. 

Our goal is that you learn Spanish, but also that you fall in love with the Spanish-speaking world.

Shall we start?

A team of experienced enthusiasts with the passion of teaching

Lilia Sánchez D.

LVV founder, academic coordinator and Spanish professor
Canarian by birth and Madrilenian by adoption. My life experience has made me a dynamic, empathetic, adaptive, and disciplined person. I have always been passionate about learning new languages and mastering them in all their skills to deal with situations of the real use of the language. My goals? Break the verticality of the traditional methodology by creating a comfortable environment that encourages learning and emphasizes the importance of language to unite people. I want to break the language barriers that separate us and make you fall in love with Spanish. Graduated in English Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid and with an official Master’s degree in teaching Spanish as a foreign language from the Nebrija University. Accredited DELE examiner (A1-2, B1-2, C1-2) by the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw and an accredited SIELE examiner. I speak English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Italian fluently. There are no impossible languages, only hidden motivations.

Lilia Sánchez D.

LVV founder, academic coordinator and Spanish professor

Canarian by birth and Madrilenian by adoption. My life experience has made me a dynamic, empathetic, adaptive, and disciplined person. I have always been passionate about learning new languages and mastering them in all their skills to deal with situations of the real use of the language.

My goals? Break the verticality of the traditional methodology by creating a comfortable environment that encourages learning and emphasizes the importance of language to unite people. I want to break the language barriers that separate us and make you fall in love with Spanish.

Graduated in English Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid and with an official Master’s degree in teaching Spanish as a foreign language from the Nebrija University. Accredited DELE examiner (A1-2, B1-2, C1-2) by the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw and an accredited SIELE examiner. I speak English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Italian fluently.

There are no impossible languages, only hidden motivations.

Andrea Blanco S.

Spanish professor

I am an Hispanic philologist from the University of Salamanca and I have been working as a Spanish teacher for foreigners for ten years. I was a Spanish teacher in New Delhi, Rabat and the Philippines.

I have studied to become a Spanish professor at the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid, and I am also a DELE examiner (B1-B2) and SIELE trainer.

¿Te apetece aprender español?

Andrea Blanco S.

Spanish professor

I am an Hispanic philologist from the University of Salamanca and I have been working as a Spanish teacher for foreigners for ten years. I was a Spanish teacher in New Delhi, Rabat and the Philippines.

I have studied to become a Spanish professor at the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid, and I am also a DELE examiner (B1-B2) and SIELE trainer.

¿Te apetece aprender español?

Javier Fuertes P.

Spanish professor 

I am a young man from Alicante who enjoys teaching Spanish. I  have studied Classical Philology at the Autónoma University of Madrid and spent four years living in Boston as a conversational Spanish teacher.

I have studied a Master’s degree in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, and I am currently researching new methodologies and procedures to make learning Spanish online easier.

Javier Fuertes P.

Spanish professor 

I am a young man from Alicante who enjoys teaching Spanish. I  have studied Classical Philology at the Autónoma University of Madrid and spent four years living in Boston as a conversational Spanish teacher.

I have studied a Master’s degree in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, and I am currently researching new methodologies and procedures to make learning Spanish online easier.

Luna Altolaguirre Z.

Spanish sign language teacher

My passions are teaching and little ones. Find the perfect formula to create that bridge between students and knowledge. Having grown up in the Waldorf methodology, I have grown learning the importance of putting the spotlight on students, to promote their learning and improve not only as students but as people.

I graduated in Primary Education and with training in Waldorf, Montessori, and Bosquescuela education.
Learning is not learning if it is not inclusive, and for this, I studied communication in Spanish sign language by the CSIM; to ensure greater inclusion in the classroom.

I have been working with children in alternative education for 13 years and taking an interest in traditional teaching from a different point of view, taking care of the aesthetics, emotion, and interest of the child. Currently, I am a tutor in an active education center, and I have been giving lectures on Active Education for teaching students for 6 years, in different universities.

Luna Altolaguirre Z.

Spanish sign language teacher

My passions are teaching and little ones. Find the perfect formula to create that bridge between students and knowledge. Having grown up in the Waldorf methodology, I have grown learning the importance of putting the spotlight on students, to promote their learning and improve not only as students but as people.

I graduated in Primary Education and with training in Waldorf, Montessori, and Bosquescuela education.
Learning is not learning if it is not inclusive, and for this, I studied communication in Spanish sign language by the CSIM; to ensure greater inclusion in the classroom.

I have been working with children in alternative education for 13 years and taking an interest in traditional teaching from a different point of view, taking care of the aesthetics, emotion, and interest of the child. Currently, I am a tutor in an active education center, and I have been giving lectures on Active Education for teaching students for 6 years, in different universities.

LVV project

LVV is an innovative project aimed not only at improving the quality of teaching but also at upgrading teachers’ working conditions. LVV is a new idea that doesn’t leave anyone behind and wants to help change the “Teaching Spanish as a foreign language” landscape.

In Spain, “Teaching as a second language” is a precarious sector, whose work conditions affect the quality of teaching and the enthusiasm and energy that teachers put into their work. Therefore, LVV proposes a collaboration format where teachers are guaranteed to receive a minimum of 70% of the price charged to students. This allows teachers to put more effort in their job and go the extra mile to ensure best quality outcomes.

If a new way of learning Spanish is possible, then a new way of teaching must be realistic too.


What people say about us

Unatrag nekoliko mjeseci imam privatne sate u LVV i jako sam zadovoljna! Nastava mi brzo proleti jer nam je zabavno i gradivo je potpuno prilagodeno mojim potrebama. Uvijek pocinjemo s konverzacijskim dijelom, gdje pricamo o svakodnevnim temama i do sada sam naucila mnogo korisnih svakodnevnih izraza. Nakon toga radimo ciljano vjezbe gramatike koje su mi potrebne i daljnje gradivo. Vidim veliki napredak u svom znanju, a istovremeno uzivam u nastavi i ucenju. Svakako bih preporucila dalje!
Lili 是我见过最好的西语老师,之前曾在中国武汉呆过五年,所以对中国文化还有汉语都比较了解。重要的是她是一个非常非常热情善解人意friendly的人,多亏了Lili才让我平稳度过哑巴西语的阶段,解除了我的尴尬。同样Lili也是一个很有趣的人,上课风格诙谐幽默,潜移默化的提升你的西语水平! 学西语,找Lili,准没错!
Grazzi għal Lilia, l-għarfien tiegħi fl-Ispanjol żdied b'mod sinifikanti. Fi ftit ġranet irnexxielha tgħallimni diversi affarijiet fosthom il-grammatika u kif nagħmel konversazzjoni. Il-ħin tal-lezzjoni kien itir. Kienet esperjenza li mhux ħa ninsa qatt!
Ho studiato spagnolo per alcuni mesi con LVV e sono rimasta sorpresa dei miei progressi linguistici in così poco tempo! Álvaro è davvero un'ottima insegnante, paziente ed energetico. Le classi ad LVV sono interattive e dinamiche, ma quello che fa davvero la differenza rispetto ad altre accademie di spagnolo, è la passione che Lilia e gli altri insegnanti mi hanno trasmesso durante ogni lezione. Fin dall'inizio, ho assimilato l'amore per le usanze spagnole e la sua cultura unica, a tal punto che non ho mai smesso di amare questo bellissimo paese e le sue sfumature. Gracias, LVV!
J’ai passé l’été 2019 à Madrid en but d’améliorer mon espagnol dans une école de langue. Je ne savais pas à quel genre d’expérience je devais m’attendre. Étant moi-même prof de français, je savais que j’aurais un oeil tout particulièrement critique à l'enseignement et à l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde. Je n’ai absolument rien à redire sur mon expérience d’apprenti de la langue espagnole! Dès mon premier jour avec Lili. Elle venait chaque jour extrêmement préparée à nous montrer les parties les plus locales de la ville de Madrid. Ses excellentes connaissances culturelles et historiques ont contribuées à de magnifiques visites. Son enthousiasme et sa générosité m’ont permis de mieux la connaître en étant immergée dans la culture et la langue espagnole. Nous en sommes même sorties amies! C’est avec grand plaisir que je vous encourage fortement à vous inscrire à cette académie de langues. Vous vivrez absolument une expérience enrichissante et inoubliable!
Poznałam Lilię w szkole językowej w Madrycie. Spośród wszystkich nauczycieli Lilia była najlepsza. Lekcje były ciekawe i niesamowicie wciągające. Lilia idealnie potrafi połączyć wielość informacji oraz miłą i przyjacielską atmosferę na lekcji. Wszystkie zajęcia prowadzone bardzo profesjonalnie i efektywnie. Poza tym Lilia jest nie tylko świetną nauczycielką, ale także mega ciekawą osobą, z którą super się rozmawia!!

Sign up for our classes and learn much more about the language, culture and history of the Spanish-speaking world. 
