Legal notice


The access, navigation, and use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) imply the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of these Conditions of Use, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract entered into in writing and signed.

Its observance and compliance will be enforceable concerning any person who accesses, browses, or uses the Website. If you do not agree with the terms set forth, do not access, browse, or use the Website.


– Owner: Lilia Sánchez Dieppa (hereinafter, “LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL”)

– DNI: 53.734.547-S

– Telephone: +34 666 699 135

– E-mail:


These Conditions of Use regulate the access, navigation, and use of this Website, without prejudice to the fact that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration, and content thereof, as well as the conditions required for its access and/or use. The access and use of the contents of the Website after the entry into force of its modifications or changes imply acceptance of the same.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions stipulated here, totally or partially, publishing any change in the same way as these Conditions of Use appear or through any type of communication directed to users.

Similarly, we inform users about their rights and obligations concerning the content displayed through the Website, the logos, and brands used, and the responsibilities that may arise from accessing the Website.

To interpret these Conditions of Use, we understand that a person becomes a user the moment they accept the Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy displayed on the Website, and it is enough for them to visit it.


LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is the owner or, where appropriate, has the corresponding licenses on the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as all the content offered therein, including the platform itself, texts, photographs or illustrations, logos, brands, graphics, designs, interfaces, or any other information or content, and the services available through it.

In no case will it be understood that the user’s access, navigation, and use of the Website implies a waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial cession of said rights by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL. The user has a right to use the contents of the Website within a strictly domestic environment and solely to use this Website, following these Conditions of Use.

References to trademarks or registered trade names, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL or third-party companies, imply the prohibition on their use without the consent of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL or its legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated otherwise, does access, navigation, or use of the Website and/or its contents confer on the user any right over distinctive signs included therein.

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the Website are reserved and, in particular, it is prohibited to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute, by any means and in any form, all or part of the contents included on the Website, for public or commercial purposes, if you do not have the prior, express, written authorization of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL or, where appropriate, of the owner of the corresponding rights.

Likewise, it is forbidden to suppress or manipulate the copyright indications or other credits that identify the holders of rights of the contents that the user finds on the Website, as well as the technical protection devices, fingerprints, or any protection mechanism. or information incorporated into the content offered on the Website.

If the user sends information of any kind to LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL through any of the channels enabled for this purpose, the user declares, guarantees, and accepts that they have the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any right of intellectual, industrial property, trade secret or any other rights of third parties, and that said information is not confidential or harmful to third parties.

The user acknowledges assuming responsibility, leaving the provider harmless for any communication provided personally or on his behalf, reaching said responsibility without any restriction of the accuracy, legality, originality, and ownership thereof.

If the user becomes aware of the existence of any illegal, illegal content, contrary to the laws or that could imply an infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, they must immediately notify LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL through the email address email so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures. Similarly, if any user or third party considers that any of the contents of the Website owned by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL violates their intellectual and/or industrial property rights, as well as any other rights, they must send a communication to with the following information:

-Identification data and means of contact of the claimant or his legal representative.

– Documentation that proves your condition as the owner of the rights allegedly infringed.

– Detailed account of the rights allegedly infringed by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, as well as their exact location within the Website.

– Express declaration by the claimant that the use of the contents has been made without the consent of the owner of the rights allegedly infringed.


Therefore, it is not allowed, and its consequences will be the sole responsibility of the user, access, or use of the Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose. In particular, and without the following list being absolute, it is prohibited:

– Use the Website in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies, or defects in its operation or the computer of a third party.

– Use the Website for the transmission, installation, or publication of any virus, malicious code, or other harmful programs or files.

– Use the Website to collect personal data from other users.

– Use the Website illegally, against good faith, morals, and public order.

– Access without authorization to any section of the Website, to other systems or networks connected to the Website, to any LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL server, or the services offered through the Website, using hacking or falsification, extraction of passwords, or any other illegitimate means.

– Breach, or attempt to breach, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network connected to it, or the security or protection measures inherent to the content offered on the Website.

– Carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Website or the systems or networks of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, as well as in the systems and networks connected to the Website; or

– Prevent the normal development of an event, contest, promotion or any other activity available through the Website or any of its functionalities, either by altering or trying to alter, illegally or in any other way, the access, participation or operation of Those, or falsifying the result of the same and/or using fraudulent participation methods, through any procedure, and/or through any practice that violates or violates these Conditions of Use in any way.

– Failure to comply with any of the above obligations by the user may entail the adoption by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL of the appropriate measures covered by Law and in the exercise of their rights or obligations, without the possibility of any compensation for damages and damages caused.

If you find any information or content on the Website that may be inappropriate, contrary to current regulations, or contrary to the conditions provided on the Website, we ask that you immediately inform LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL through the different means arranged for it.



LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not control the contents, privacy policies, or practices of third-party websites nor does it assume any responsibility for them.

The user acknowledges and accepts that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL will not be responsible for the availability of external websites or resources, and does not subscribe to any type of advertising, products, or other materials offered through said websites or resources.

The user acknowledges and accepts that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL will not be responsible for the losses or damages that the User may incur as a result of the availability of the aforementioned websites or external resources or as a result of the credibility that it grants to the completeness, precision or existence of any type of advertising, products or other materials offered through said websites or resources.

On the other hand, the user who wants to introduce links to the LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL portal from their own websites will be obliged to comply with the following conditions:

The link will only link to the page, not being able to reproduce it in any way;

In accordance with the applicable regulations, frames or frames of any kind may not be established that surround the portal or allow it to be viewed through different Internet addresses or together with content outside the same, in a way that produces, or may produce, error or confusion in users about the origin of the service or its contents, implies an act of unfair comparison or imitation, serves to take advantage of the reputation, brand, and prestige of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL or is done in any other way that is prohibited by law;

From the website that makes the link, no false or inaccurate manifestation can be made about LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, about the quality of its services, or about its partners, employees, or clients.

The sender may not use the brand or any other distinctive sign of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL within its website, except in cases authorized by law or expressly permitted by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL.

The website that establishes the link must observe current legislation and may not have or link to illegal, harmful, contrary to morals and good customs, content that produces or may produce the false idea that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL endorses or supports, the ideas, manifestations or actions of the sender or that are inappropriate in relation to the activity developed by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, taking into account the contents and the general theme of the website where the link is established.

Finally, users who insert content from other users on their own web pages will not be subject to the provisions of this point because, strictly speaking, the calls that occur from their own web pages to said content are not links to them. , nor to the LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL portal. Their own web pages “call” the code of the contents published in LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL and said contents are reproduced on their own web pages.


LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL makes available to users, through different tools and applications, means of a link that allow users to access the channels and pages of the Website that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL maintains on different platforms and social networks belonging to and/or managed by third parties (eg Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). The sole purpose of including these links on the Website is to provide users with access to these channels on different platforms and social networks.

The establishment of these applications does not imply the existence of any relationship between LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL and the owner, manufacturer, or distributor of the linked platform, nor does it imply the acceptance and approval by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL of its contents and/or services, being their owner, manufacturer or distributor the sole responsible for them.

In no case does LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL share with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social network that is incorporated in the future any type of private information about its users, its sole purpose being that established in these General Conditions of Use, as well as in the Website Privacy Policy. In this sense, all the information that the user himself wishes to provide to these platforms will be under his own responsibility, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL not intervening in said process.

The activation and use of these applications may entail the identification and authentication of the user (login/password) on the corresponding platforms, completely external to the Website and outside the control of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL. By accessing these external networks, the user enters an environment not controlled by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, so LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL will not assume any responsibility for the security configuration of said environments.

Given that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL has no control over the content hosted on said channels, the user acknowledges and accepts that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not assume any responsibility for the content or for the services that the user can access on said pages, nor for any content, products, services, advertising, or any other material available in them. For this reason, the user must exercise extreme caution in the evaluation and use of the information, content, and services existing in the linked channels, and on the information of their own or of third parties that they want to share in said channels.


LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not authorize the establishment of a link to the Website from those pages that contain materials, information or illegal, illegal, degrading, obscene content and, in general, that contravene the laws, morality or public order, or the generally accepted social norms.

In any case, users may establish links on their respective web pages that lead to the Website, as long as they meet the following conditions: a) the link may not reproduce the content of the Website or parts of it in any way; b) it is not allowed to create a browser or a border environment on the sections of the Website, nor may the Website be modified in any other way; c) It is not allowed to make false or inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications on the Website and / or, in particular, declare or imply that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL has authorized the link or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the contents or services offered or made available on the website where said link is established; d) The web page on which the link to the Website is established will not contain information or content that is illegal, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor will it contain content that is contrary to any rights of third parties, including those Intellectual and industrial property rights and / or the right to honor, personal or family privacy or one’s own image or any other right, or content that is contrary to the regulations governing the protection of personal data.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not have the power or human or technical means to know, control, or approve all the information, content, products, or services provided by other web pages that have established links to the Website. LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the web page that establishes that link to the Website, specifically, by way of example and not limited to its operation, access, data, information, files, quality, and reliability of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its content, in general.


Consequently, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not guarantee or is responsible for: (i) the continuity of the contents of the Website; (ii) the absence of errors in said content; (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or on the server that supplies it; (iv) the invulnerability of the Website and/or the impossibility of violating the security measures adopted therein; (v) the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Website; and (vi) the damages caused, to himself or a third party, by any person who violates the conditions, rules, and instructions that LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL establishes on the Website or through the violation of the Site’s security systems Web.

However, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the art, to guarantee the functioning of the Website and minimize system errors, both from a technical point of view. as legal and organizational.

If the user becomes aware of the existence of any illegal, illegal content, contrary to the laws or that could imply an infringement of the rights of third parties, he must immediately notify LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL will not be responsible for the veracity, integrity, or updating of the information published on the Website from sources other than it and will not assume responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of the aforementioned information.


LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, either temporarily or permanently, access, browsing, use, hosting, and/or downloading of the content and/or use of services on the Website, with or without prior notification, without the possibility of the user to demand any compensation for this cause.


By the provisions of current regulations on Data Protection, all personal data provided during the use of the Website will be treated following the provisions of the Privacy Policy that all users must expressly accept to use the website.


With these General Conditions of Use, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL intends for all end users to know what their rights and obligations are from the moment they visit their social profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and/or any analogous social network.

Similarly, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL informs users of their rights and obligations concerning the content displayed through their social profiles, logos, and brands used, as well as the responsibilities that may arise from the use of the service.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is deeply committed to ensuring that the service works correctly and under the conditions agreed with the users. However, on occasions, it is possible that (especially due to the intervention of ill-intentioned third parties), situations from which responsibilities could arise.

In this sense, below are those situations, by way of example, but not limited to, in which LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is not responsible for the actions of users, assuming all the responsibilities that may arise:

– If any information that has not been published or shared by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL appears published on the social network, or that in its case had been published by a third party.

– If the social network is not operational for technical reasons attributable to the owner of the platform itself, third parties, or unforeseeable causes or force majeure, these circumstances being the responsibility of the social network, or, where appropriate, the third party.

– If the social network modifies its General Conditions of Use, privacy policies, or mode of operation, these circumstances being the responsibility of the social network.

– If the user stores, disseminates, publishes, or distributes on the social network any type of defamatory, insulting, discriminatory material, that incites violence or that is contrary to morality, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honor, privacy, or the image of third parties.

– If the user uses the social network to introduce data, viruses, or malicious code in the equipment of EC LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL IJA or of any other user.

– If any of the content accessible through the social profiles of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is contrary to current regulations, the latter undertakes to proceed with its immediate withdrawal, as soon as it becomes aware of this situation.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not undertake to inform users when their comments and publications are subject to editing and/or moderation; however, it may warn and take the appropriate measures to suspend and expel users who submit inappropriate content periodically and systematically. Those users who carry out the aforementioned behaviors on more than one occasion, having been previously suspended or expelled from the service, may be prevented from using the social profile indefinitely, assuming this the definitive expulsion from the program and the permanent blocking of the user.

Likewise, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not guarantee the veracity, reliability, validity, or integrity of the content of third parties that contains its social profile or any linked site. LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is not responsible for the content of websites not operated by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL.

The social profile of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL may include opinions, recommendations, or statements of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the opinions of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL or indicate its commitment to a certain line of action.

The information provided through the LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL profile on social networks should not be considered in any way assimilable to the professional and face-to-face advice provided by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL. Users should seek appropriate professional advice concerning their circumstances and specific queries, to achieve maximum effectiveness of the measures adopted. In no case may the information provided through social media be considered an alternative to the information provided personally by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL recommends that users act with caution, common sense, and good sense when using their social profile and that they carefully evaluate the veracity, validity, integrity, and relevance of the information published through it for their purposes. Any decision that users make based on such information will be strictly at their own risk and expense.

Once the user begins to follow the social profiles of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, he may publish comments, links, images or photographs, or any other type of content, according to the conditions of the social network itself. The user, in all cases, must be the owner of the same, enjoy the exploitation rights of intellectual property or have the consent of the affected third parties.

The user who decides to share content in the social profile of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL must be aware that their publications will be accessible and therefore known by other users, so they will be solely responsible for them, as well as for the implications this may have for your privacy.

Any publication in the social profile of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL that attempts or is likely to violate morality, ethics, good taste, or decorum, and/or that infringes, violates, or violates intellectual property rights or industrial, the right to image, privacy, or current regulations. In these cases, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL reserves the right to withdraw the content, being able to request the permanent blocking of the user who carried out the publication thereof.

In this sense, the contents, opinions, or answers to questions published, expressed, or sent by the creators, sponsors, advertisers, or users of the LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL profile, other than the content provided by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, are the exclusive opinions and responsibility of the person who sends them and they do not necessarily reflect the opinions of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, which is not responsible for the content published, posted, distributed, disseminated or transmitted by third parties through the official profiles of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL.

In the same way, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL reserves the right not to respond individually to the comments and messages received through its profile, as well as not to follow all users who begin to follow its social profile.

Certain information collected in the profiles of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL may contain forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements that are predictions or indicative of future events, trends, plans, or objectives. It is not recommended that the user abide solely and exclusively by these statements since, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown uncertainties and risks. For all the above, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL does not assume any obligation to publicly communicate updates or revisions to these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information or future events or circumstances or for other purposes.

For answers to questions, complaints, or claims, consult the LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL corporate website, where the relevant information channels are available.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL will use your profiles on social networks to advertise its own services. In any case, if LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL decides to process your contact data (user profile of the social network and/or email) to carry out direct commercial prospecting actions, it will always be, complying with the legal requirements of the regulations in force in data protection matters.

Recommending LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL social profiles to other users so that they too can be informed of their activity will not be considered advertising.

LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is deeply committed to the protection and defense of intellectual and industrial property rights. Therefore, it informs that:

– In no case may it be understood that the users are granted any right to exploit the content displayed beyond what is strictly necessary for viewing them.

– All logos, brands, and commercial names displayed through the website or platform are the property of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL, and their use is conditioned by the corporate regulations of the Company, and/or the provisions of third parties that have allowed its use and/or exploitation.

– Under no circumstances may browsing through the social profiles of LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL imply the waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial cession of intellectual or industrial property rights, unless otherwise established in writing.

– Concerning links or hyperlinks, it is possible that they facilitate access to independent third-party websites that are directly related to the advertising displayed and reproduced through the social profile. As they are not pages owned by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL and over which it has control, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL is not responsible for their content and/or operation.

If anyone detects any type of content contrary to current regulations or that may be harmful to users, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL requests that they be notified as soon as possible.

The user can access the privacy policies of the Social Network itself at any time, as well as configure their profile to guarantee their privacy. LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL encourages users to familiarize themselves with the General Conditions of Use of said networks before starting to use them.






The headings of the different clauses are only informative, and will not affect, qualify or expand the interpretation of these Conditions of Use. Likewise, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL may modify the terms and conditions stipulated here, totally or partially, publishing any change in the same way in which these Conditions of Use appear or through any type of communication directed to users.

The temporary validity of these Conditions of Use coincides, therefore, with the time of their exposure, until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the modified Conditions of Use will take effect.

Regardless of the provisions of the particular conditions that may be established, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to the contents of the Website, without the possibility of part of the user to demand any compensation. After said termination, the prohibitions on the use of the contents set forth above in these Conditions of Use will remain in force.

For these purposes, LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL informs that it may inform and collaborate on time with the competent police and judicial authorities if it detects any infringement of current legislation or if it suspects the commission of a crime.

If any provision of these Conditions of Use is declared null or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal, or competent administrative body, said nullity or non-application will not affect the remaining provisions of these Conditions. of Use.

The non-exercise or execution by LVV SPANISH ONLINE SCHOOL of any right or provision contained in these Conditions of Use will not constitute a waiver thereof unless acknowledgment and agreement in writing by you.


Provided that the regulations in force for this purpose foresee the possibility for the parties to submit to a specific jurisdiction, for any litigation issue derived from or related to this Website, the Spanish legislation in force at the time of the dispute will apply, and we will submit to the Courts and Courts of Madrid, as well as, where appropriate, the Consumer Arbitration Courts or similar to which we adhere at the time of the dispute.

Last Updated: April 12, 2021

© All rights reserved.
